1. Mow using the 1/3 rule. 

That means not cutting more than 1/3 of the leaf blade at a time. By following the 1/3 rule, you will reduce the stress on your grass and promote lateral growth.


2. Keep an eye out for lawn diseases, grubs, and weeds.

Attack weeds fast as to not let them spread in your lawn or landscape. If you do spot any weeds, dig them out, making sure to get as much of the root as you can. If digging the weeds out isn’t an option for you, find a weed control that best fits the type of weed you are trying to get rid of and the type of lawn you have.


3. Leave grass clipping on the lawn for added nutrients, especially on those really hot days.

Grass blades break down very quickly, adding nutrients and nitrogen back into the soil. Grass clippings also provide a little extra shade for the soil. This technique is know as “grass cycling.”


4. Always spruce up your mower and mower blade after mowing your lawn.

Dull blades can shatter the leaf blade and expose it to harmful diseases and pests. Tuning up your mower before peak mowing season every year and checking your mower blades after each use keeps your mower running in top shape and your grass healthy.


5. Seed any patches of lawn that just don’t seem to be growing well.

Maintaining proper seeding and watering schedules can foster grass growth and create a lush yard. Make sure to buy the correct seed for your lawn type and read the care instructions for best results.


6. Aerate your yard once a year, preferably in the spring or fall.

Aeration helps reduce soil compaction, betters the drainage of your yard, limits runoff, and allows air, water, and nutrients to reach the soil better. Depending on how much traffic is on your lawn, it can be better to aerate multiple times a year. To read more about aeration, check out http://www.lawncare.org/lawn-aerating/.